
  • 活關素75對於具有關節退化患者具有止痛效果,並可改善生活品質,行走不費力 (醫學中心復健科)
    • Validating Efficacy of Shea Nut Oi; Extract in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients, 2013
  • 活關素75效果優於葡萄糖胺 (醫學中心骨科)
    • Comparing the Efficacy of Flexnow (Sheaflex75) and Glucosamine on Osteoarthritis Patients in Taiwan, 2012
  • 活關素75具有止痛、抗發炎效果,並可降低軟骨崩毀指數,效果明確 (澳洲專業研究機構ACCMER)
    • Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial on the Potential Modes of Action of SheaFlex70TM in Osteoarthritis, 2009
  • 活關素75足量食用具有保護軟骨效果 (醫學中心)
    • Shea Nut Oil Triterpene Concontrate Attenuated Knee Osteoarthritis Development in Rats: Evidence from Knee Joint Histology, 2016
  • 活關素75 長期食用,持續保護軟骨,靈活不退化 (醫學中心)
    • Oral Shea Nut Oil Triterpene Concentrate Supplement Ameliorates Pain and Articular Cartilage Deterioration in an ACLT Injured Rat Knee Model of Chronic Osteoarthritis Development, 2019
  • 注射玻尿酸搭配活關素75,證實能提升玻尿酸效益 (醫學中心)
    • Shea Nut Oil Extracts Enhance the Intra-Articular Sodium Hyaluronate Effectiveness on Surgically Induced OA progression, 2020